Welcome to spacelabh!

Hubble’s Deep Field showing many galaxies within a small part of the sky, showing just how large our Universe is. Credit: NASA

Welcome one and all to my Space Lab!

I am Hazel, and hopefully with this blog, I will be able to show you the wonders of the wonderful Universe in which we reside.

The aim of this blog is to explain to you the physics, astrophysics and astronomy of space, allowing you to understand a bit more. The format of each post will be different with each new post. I promise they will all be fun and wow you with something you may not have known before and maybe get you to think about space a little differently. s will be a fun thing for me to write and hopefully for you to read. Comments are always welcome, and especially questions of topics you might like me to talk about next.

I hope you enjoy the blog, and I look forward to your suggestions of topics on which I should research!

The image above is an image taken from the Hubble Space Telescope in space. Each blob is a different galaxy that contains millions of stars. The area this was taken from is the same as a 5p piece held at arms distance!

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