The Planets – Mars

The Planets – Mars

The Planets

The Solar System. Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO

Over the next few posts, I plan on doing something a little different. We shall be having a look at various planets, starting with those in our solar system, but instead of me writing loads of stuff for you, I shall be making some little factfile cards to share!

For our next planet, we skip Earth (I’m hoping you know a few things about Earth and maybe we shall visit Earth later) and head straight to the red planet, Mars.


More cards! Gotta do something with all this extra time most of us seem to have now. There is so much information on Mars that I couldn’t possibly put it all into one card for you; that would be information overload!

Fun extra fact for you: the picture at the top of my website is actually a solar eclipse from Mars! One of Mars’s moons, Phobos passed across the Sun and the Curiosity Rover snapped those images. It’s one of my favourite sets of photos because I always loved solar eclipses, and the first time I realised other planets had them too made space feel a little bit closer.

Hopefully you are all doing ok in this time of unrest. I’ve got plenty more time now, so updates and content will be coming at you quicker than normal. If anyone needs to talk about anything, whether it be space, current climate, or if you’re just feeling down, don’t hesitate to reach out. We all need each other in this tumultuous time.

All the best,

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