Why am I here?

I am Hazel, and I was a Masters student at the University of Manchester. My Masters is in Astronomy and Astrophysics, and my aim here is to explain a bit more about what I love.

I totally love everything to do with space, hence the Masters, and I love sharing this information with people. Lots of people are also interested in space, but don’t know where to start. This is where this blog comes in. I aim to take those topics people are most interested in and write about them for you to read. There will be different difficulty levels, and you can read as much as you want to read. I just want you to learn what you want to learn! So please read, enjoy and comment with any questions or topics you might like to know about!

I also now have a Twitter page for you to follow too, updating on new posts and sharing amazing and up-to-date things in the world of space! Go to https://twitter.com/spacelabh to follow!

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