The Planets – Neptune

The Planets – Neptune

The Planets

The Solar System. Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO

Over the next few posts, I plan on doing something a little different. We shall be having a look at various planets, starting with those in our solar system, but instead of me writing loads of stuff for you, I shall be making some little factfile cards to share!

Nearly at the end of our journey through our solar system, we reach Neptune.


Another ice giant to add to the collection. Just like Uranus, we don’t know a huge amount about Neptune because it is so far away and we haven’t sent anything to the planet. It would take a very long time to get there too.

I’ve got one more planet to share with you. Technically Pluto is a dwarf planet, but considering fairly recently (5 years ago) there was a dedicated spacecraft that flew by, sending back stunning pictures and information, it’s only right we include Pluto. Plus, the mnemonic I learnt to remember the planets requires Pluto to make sense. So Pluto shall be included!

All the best,