The Planets – Saturn

The Planets – Saturn

The Planets

The Solar System. Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO

Over the next few posts, I plan on doing something a little different. We shall be having a look at various planets, starting with those in our solar system, but instead of me writing loads of stuff for you, I shall be making some little factfile cards to share!

Next planet! Many people’s favourite due to how unique it is, it’s Saturn!!


Saturn is an amazing planet. It also has many moons, not as many as Jupiter, but just as varied. In fact, scientists believe that one of Saturn’s moons, Titan, may be the best candidate for life outside of Earth.

There are some fantastic images of Saturn, but one of my favourites is the last photo Cassini ever took. It shows Earth through the rings of Saturn. A small dot in the distance, making Saturn seem really close and really far at the same time.

This view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft shows planet Earth as a point of light between the icy rings of Saturn. Image credit: NASA

An extra little pic for you, because why not! Let me know what you think Saturn in the comments!

All the best,